Narbi Price


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'Untitled (Bench) 9iii', Watercolour on Saunders Waterford, 32 x 43.5cm, 2020


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'Untitled (Bench) 9iii', Watercolour on Saunders Waterford, 32 x 43.5cm, 2020


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'Untitled (Bench) 9iii', Watercolour on Saunders Waterford, 32 x 43.5cm, 2020


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Narbi Price is a painter. He was the Journal Culture Awards Visual Artist of the Year 2018, and the winner of the Contemporary British Painting Prize 2017. He was featured in Phaidon's Vitamin P3 - New Perspectives in Painting and was a prizewinner in the John Moores Painting Prize 2012.He has recently completed an AHRC funded PhD at Newcastle University in partnership with Woodhorn Museum.



'The Ashington Paintings | Redux', XL Gallery, Newcastle University 


'All I Start Will End', Herrick Gallery, London


‘The Ashington Paintings’, Woodhorn Museum, Ashington


‘This Must Be the Place’, Vane, Newcastle upon Tyne


‘Codeword’, PAPER, Manchester



'Paint the Town in Sound', Sunderland Museum & Winter Gardens, Sunderland

'CENTURY', Hartlepool Art Gallery, Hartlepool

‘Royal Academy Summer Exhibition 2020’, Royal Academy of Arts, London

'New Light Art Prize', Scarborough Art Gallery, Scarborough

'Dance First, Think Later, General Practice, Lincoln

'Relazioni Scomposte', Galleria SIX, Milan, Italy

'Picture Palace', Transition Gallery, London

'Beyond Other Horizons: Contemporary Paintings Made in Britain & Romania', Palace of Culture, Iași, Romania


'neo:artprize', Bolton Museum & Art Gallery, Bolton

‘Royal Academy Summer Exhibition 2019’, Royal Academy of Arts, London

'Made in Britain: 82 Painters of the 21st Century', Muzeum Narodowe w Gdańsk, Poland 


'New Painting', The Crypt, St Marylebone Parish Church, London

‘St Nowhere’, Lewisham Arthouse, London

‘Paint North’, Ladybeck Project Space, Leeds


‘Testcard P’, The Crypt, St Marylebone Parish Church, London

‘Vicennial’, Vane, Newcastle upon Tyne

‘Royal Academy Summer Exhibition 2017’, Royal Academy of Arts, London

‘The Contemporary British Painting Prize: Group Show 2017’, The Stables Gallery, London

‘Semiotic Guerrilla Warfare part IV’, CHARLIE SMITH LONDON, London

‘Connections’, B&D Studios, Newcastle upon Tyne

See Narbi’s Lockdown Interview here -

About the work

'The Covid19 lockdown changed things for everyone, not least for artists who had to adjust to new ways of making work in different circumstances. For me, this has meant a change to a smaller, more domestic scale, as the studio is out of bounds. It involved a change in medium, focused now on watercolour.

My process then shifted too, I noticed friends posting pictures online of benches enrobed with red and white hazard tape, preventing the benches being used for that for which they were intended. The result was a kind of three-dimensional calligraphy, in how the tape is wrapped around the bars and planks of the benches, a casual quotidian rhythm, making marks in space, different on each bench, like a poundshop Christo.

I gave friends instructions on how to compose source photographs for me, and this is a chance lockdown collaboration, between the worker who wrapped the benches, my friends who photographed them, and myself who painted them.

The two works offered through ArtTop10 are part of The Ashington Paintings series, and show sights of the post-industrial landscape around Ashington, Northumberland, a landscape sequestered from its one-time function.' "